Safety Tips in Handling Remote-Controlled Cranes

Cab-operated cranes were the standard equipment used in the construction field and other industries that require the lifting and moving of bulk items, such as mining and logging.

With the advancement of technology, remote-controlled cranes became available. Instead of the crane operator sitting and controlling the machine in an enclosed area, they can now monitor the operation on the production floor.

It offers more safety because it avoids fall accidents, which could happen for cabs installed in high areas. The operator can also avoid being under the load with risks of falling objects and causing injury. The communication between the operator and spotter is also better since they will be next to each other.

In some cases, there may be no need for a spotter if the operator can confidently oversee everything independently. Newer models of cranes mostly come with this feature, but older models that do not have built-in remote control functions could be converted and have this added component. Although the use of remote-controlled cranes is generally less risky, it’s still vital to adopt some safety measures to avoid accidents and failures.

Ensure operator training

Not all cranes and remote controls are the same. Although you have a seasoned crane operator, be sure to give them the training they need to use a new crane. They must also familiarise themselves with the work environment to know the best way to operate and control the machine. It is also the same with the remote control; they should study its functions and practice its use until they become more comfortable and accustomed to it.

Like any other cranes or machines, a remote-controlled crane requires an inspection before every use. First, turn off the main switch before you begin. Then, clear the bridge and check the parts of the cranes, including the ropes, drum, and hook. Get the problem fixed right away if you see any. You can entrust the repair of your equipment to a reputable company that provides a full range of cranes, solutions, and services like PM Cranes.

Performing inspection

After ensuring that the crane components are in good shape, turn the main switch on, and check other factors, including the limit and brake. Ensure that the crane limit is set properly and the brake works effectively. Again, if you find any issue, get immediate repair assistance to prevent the problem from worsening. It will also ensure safe and efficient operation.

Other things to check

Besides the factors mentioned, there are other safety checklists to consider in operating a remote-controlled crane, including using a suitable lifting device and ensuring that the load is secured correctly. Also, keep the load limit in mind to avoid an unnecessary toll on the equipment, which could lead to premature breakdown. Moreover, ensure that the area is well-lit for maximum visibility, and keep the site clear to prevent employees from getting hurt.

Safety must remain the top priority, whether using a cab-operated or remote-controlled crane. Perform regular inspections and get professional repair service right away if you find any problem. For more information, log on to